2025 International Conference on Mathematics and Applied Physics


Conference Committee

Assoc. Prof. Yilun ShangNorthumbria University, UK Alberto Cabada Alexander G. Ramm Prof. Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada (IEEE Life Fellow) Prof. Roman Słowiński, Poznań University of Technology, Poland (IEEE Fellow) Prof. Radu-Emil Precup, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania

Program Committee

Prof. Kamran Iqbal, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA Prof. Jingshan Huang, The University of South Alabama (South), USA Prof. Jawahar Thakur, Himachal Pradesh University, India Prof. Qingzhong Liu, The Sam Houston State University, USA

International Technical Committee

Prof. ilhame amiraliyeva (amirali), Düzce Üniversitesi, Turkey Prof. Huaiping Zhu, York University, Canada Prof. Loc Nguyen, Independent Scholar, Vietnam Prof. Mehmet Onur Fen, Ted University, Turkey Prof. Zailan Siri, University of Malaya, Malaysia Prof. Nikolaos Limnios, University of Technology of Compiegne, France Assoc. Prof. Dia Zeidan, German Jordanian University, Jordan

Submission Portal

Mail Address: icmap@sub-paper.com
If you have any question or need any assistance regarding the conference, please feel free to contact our conference specialists;

  • 李老师
  • TEL:18581520396 (微信同号)
  • QQ:3959598883
  • E-mail:icmap@sub-paper.com

Important Dates

Submission Deadline:2025-03-20
Registration Deadline:2025-03-31
Conference Date:2025-04-05
Notification Date:About a week after the submission

Indexing Service

Technical Sponsor